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Sisyphus' Tricks
By Cip D.C. Cabrera


1/17/25, 10:46 AM

Giving Hope to the Marginalized

Openness to God makes us open towards the marginalized of this world, and gives us the courage to leave the confines of our own security and comfort to become bruised, hurting and dirty as we joyfully approach the suffering other in a spirit of solidarity.
— Pope Francis

MAYPAJO, Caloocan City — During a meeting with the coordinators of 'Congres Mission' in the Consistory Hall in the Vatican Palace in Rome, Pope Francis called for the creation of spaces for the marginalized, especially the youth and elderly and those with disabilities, in order for them to be able freely express themselves.
In doing this, the pope enthused that marginalized individuals can engage with one another and find their place in society even as noted that "every human life has an inalienable dignity."
This only points to the fact that "no one is unworthy, that every existence is a gift from God to be received with love and respect."
Based on the mission of the French association 'Écoles de Vie' (Schools of Life"), the 'outgoing church' that the pontiff has often called for, people should be guided by the values of Catholic social teaching that creates educational opportunities within schools for people from different generations, people with disabilities and people from different socioeconomic groups to exchange ideas and skills.
The 'outgoing church' refers to "an open church, a welcoming church, able to become close to each person and to heal the wounds of those who suffer, to caress with tenderness those who are without affection and to lift those who have fallen to the ground."
The church, the Argentine pope asserted, should be particularly attentive to young people's development: "We are called to create spaces in which they can fully express themselves. We must make space for their dreams, to welcome them and communicate hope to them."
Young people, he added, "are rich in unexpected potential."
So as followers of Jesus Christ, we should help young people to "discover that their life has a meaning and that they have a unique role to play in society."
On the other hand, efforts should be made so that the elderly and disabled are placed firmly as God's children while "restor(ing) to all people marginalized by disability or frailty their place within a fraternal and joyful community."

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