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Aging population in 2030 requires hospital for the aged - solons

1/15/24, 1:40 PM

Lawmakers are calling for the establishment of a geriatric specialty hospital to address the medical needs of an aging population that is expected by 2030.

“An aging population needs a hospital for the aged,” declared Manila 6th District Rep. Bienvenido Abante Jr.

Earlier, the Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) predicted that the country will have an aging population six years from now or in 2030.

Experts define an aging population as the rise in the average age within a population. It is the result of longer life expectancies and lower birthrates.

Japan remains the country with the oldest population at 28 percent. However, most of the countries with aging population are those in Europe.

It was reported that Italy comprises of 23 percent of people aged 65 and above, followed by Finland, Portugal and Greece with just below 22 percent each.

Abante said he has been pushing for better medical health services for senior citizens in the country, now numbering around 10 million.

"I have long advocated for the establishment of a hospital that focuses on the care of the elderly because population data has shown an upward trend in the number of senior citizens,” he said.

However, it was gathered that the Department of Health is already operating the National Center for Geriatric Health that addresses the medical needs of the elderly.

Last year, the Lower House passed House Bill No. 10697 which proposes the establishment of medical facilities and geriatric specialty centers in each region of the country. The bill consolidates 17 similar measures and proposes the establishment of the National Center for Geriatric Health and Research Institute.

Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III has Senate Bill 979 or the Senior Citizens Hospital Act that proposes the creation of a Philippine Geriatric Center.

“Just as there are specialty hospitals for pediatric and obstetric, we believe that the elderly should also have preferential care and assistance from the government,” Pimentel said.

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