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Top labor party resurfaces as Workers Party Philippines; prepares for 2025 polls

4/21/24, 7:57 AM

The Labor Party Philippines, one of the oldest political organizations in the country, resurfaced Saturday (April 2) and vowed to actively participate in the 2025 mid-term elections as the Workers Party Philippines.

Now headed by veteran singer Imelda Papin as chairperson and business leader William Russel Sobrepeña as president, the WPP held its national convention and formal launching at the Manila Hotel with prominent political, labor and business leaders in attendance.

Former Rep. Godofredo Arquiza, currently the head of the Ang Tinig ng Senior Citizens (Ating Seniors) partylist, said the WPP has committed itself in pursuing the welfare and the best interests of senior citizens, persons-with-disabilities and solo parents in the country.

“We will continue to push for a better deal for the country’s labor force while committing ourselves in improving the lives of the elderly, PWD’s, the solo parents and the LGBTQ plus communities,” said Arquiza, auditor of the revived political group.

Aside from Papin, Sobrepeña and Arquiza, among those inducted as WPP officers were lawyer Ariel Joseph B. Arias, secretary general; Prof. Oscar Morado, senior vice president; Jasper Viloria, treasurer and Diego L. Magpantay.

Also taking their oath of office were the following vice presidents: for Luzon- lawyer Virgilio Garcia; for Northern Luzon - former Rep. Edwin C. Uy; for Southern Luzon (Bicol) - former Gov. Roy Padilla; for Southern Luzon (Calabarzon)- Garry Jason Ejercito; for Visayas - Mayor Roberto Cajes and for Mindanao, - lawyer Allan S. Montano;

Former Pasig City Rep. Noel “Toti” Cariño was elected vice chairman but failed to show up during the convention.

Assistant Secretary Beth Lopez De Leon, the event’s keynote speaker, lauded the WPP leaders for their commitment to uphold good governance as they move to put the resurrected group back to the higher echelons of Philippine politics.

Also present during the event was the country’s top violinist John Lesaca.

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