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Pope Francis airs concern for elderly priests, holds closed-door dialogue with them

5/15/24, 6:29 AM

Pope Francis held a closed door question-and-answer dialogue with 70 elderly priests during his visit to the Roman parish of San Giuseppe al Trionfale located a short distance from Saint Peter’s Basilica.

“Let’s pray to Our Lady and then let’s talk,” the Pope told the group of grey haired priests.

In the audience was Don Antonio Ciamei who served as a priest for 70 years of his life. He is now 94.

The visit to the parish church is a regular activity of the pontiff.

The Vatican news said the church was founded by Don Luigi Guanella at the beginning of the 20th century. It is being run by the Guanellians, also known as the Servants of Charity.

In attendance in the meeting were 70 Catholic priests who have been ordained 40 years ago and over.

No details of what was discussed in dialogue were revealed by the Vatican.

The concerns of elderly and sick priests are among the top priorities of the 87-year old Catholic leader.

Previously, he wrote a letter to retired priests in the Italian region of Lombardy, where he reminded them of their role as ”bearers of dreams for younger generations.”

He said living in old age and illness should be seen as a privilege.

“You are living a season, old age, which is not an illness but a privilege.” He told the priests, most of them already sickly.

In the letter, Pope Francis urged them to remember Simeon and Anna in the Bible who were already elderly when they started learning the Gospel and making part of their daily lives.

“You are the bearers of dreams, dreams charged with memory, and therefore very important for the younger generations,” the Pope said.

He added: “From you comes the sap to flourish in Christian life and ministry.”

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