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Senior citizen dies two months after pig kidney transplant

5/13/24, 3:24 AM

The first person to ever receive a kidney from a pig died barely two months after the procedure that was hailed as a major scientific achievement was conducted.

Richard “Rick”n Slayman, 62, died after undergoing a second kidney transplant. The first was from another human but the donated organ had to be removed due to complications, especially as he struggled undergoing dialysis three times a week.

He reportedly died on May 11 (Saturday)

Slayman, a system manager for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, agreed to the experimental at the Massachusetts General Hospital where doctors assured him that the genetically modified pig kidney he will receive would last for at least two years.

The MGH transplant team announced Slayman’s demise but insisted that there were no indications that his death was the result of the transplant.

Slayman received the pig kidnew on March 16 and was believed to be recovering promptly. He was released from the hospital on April 3.

“Millions of people worldwide have come to know Rick’s story. We felt- and still feel- comforted by the optimism he provided patients desperately waiting for a transplant,” the hospital said.

The Slayman family thanked his doctors, notwithstanding the passing of the patient.

“Their enormous efforts leading to the xenotransplant gave our family seven more weeks with Rick and our memories made during that time will remain in our minds and hearts,” the family said in a statement.

According to the family Rick agreed to be experimented on not only because he was convinced it will be successful. He had hoped that the procedure will raise hopes of people suffering from kidney ailments like him.

“Rick accomplished that goal and his hope and optimism will endure forever,” the family said.

Xenotransplantation is defined the transplant of non-human nimal organs into humans.

Photo from bbc news

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